Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stewarts Root Beer

Stewarts root beer originated in 1924. This great root beer was how Frank Stewart the maker of Stewarts root beer gained most of his income as a school teacher. And soon after he made his stand he made his first drive through location. And this small 1920's root beer company evolved and grew into what it is today. A root beer company that has stayed around for over 75 years
Sweetened with sugar
Medium-High carbonation
Med. Head
Very dark
No caffeine
No  sarsaparilla
Good cold
Sold in 12 oz. bottles
Smells carmely

I rate this a 6 1/2

Steelhead Draft Root Beer

sorry, no history
med. carbonation
good cold
contains sarsaparilla
no caffeine
med. darkness almost a carmely color
no head
a little herbal
pretty strong in taste
found in Eugene Oregon
My rating: 8